Friday, December 26, 2008

Pot Holes Everywhere

Michigan is known for lengthy and frequent road construction. People often joke that the Orange Construction barrel is Michigan's state tree. Around the corner from our house a major construction project took nearly a year to complete. My mother in law had to add 20 minutes to her daily commute do to bridge construction near her house. Both of these extremely inconvenient construction projects are now complete. However winter has struck us hard and swift causing major issues with local roads. One particular road the separates my mother in laws house from ours has been hit the worst. Last summer the stretch of Orchard Lake Rd was frequently mentioned on the local news when talking about the degrading condition of the roads. The city decided to patch these roads, not resolving the issue, but helping.
Since the latest freeze, thaw and plowing, all the patches are gone, and the pot holes are worse than ever. Its nearly impossible to travel this stretch of road with out blowing a tire or bending a rim. The road is disintegrating. Swerve to miss one hole, puts you into yet a deeper wider hole. The pavement chunks and shards are blown all over the sides of the road. The pot holes are nearly a foot and half deep and just as wide. At this point the road might as well be gravel. Why have the roads been left to crumble?

1 comment:

John Capraro said...

Here! Here! on that one, Mike. Michigan has two seasons: Winter and Construction. And it appears to be this state's (and county's) "wonderful" philosophy to simply patch the nasties in the road intead of doing the right thing and fixing them; and not just fixing them, but fixing them properly. I think the state government needs to realize that the patch only works for smokers.