Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Off the Grid

What does it take to live "off the grid"?

First step as I see it would be to sell the house in the burbs. In order to completely break the ties from the electric, water, gas and community utilities I see no other option. Setting up alternative energy, garden and compost is not suburbia friendly.

Move into the country, maybe grow some peaches.

Now is the time to find farm able, sustainable land on a watershed. The house would have to be extremely efficient in handling Michigan's drastic climate. Maybe build the west facing wall into the side of a hill. That would force the winds over the top instead of smack into the side. Plan the home for windows to face south east to capture a greenhouse effect from the sun. Run solar heated water through radiant pipes in the flooring to cut down on forced air heat. I suppose a small propane system would have to be setup for gas cooking in the kitchen.

Wind and solar energy would create most of the homes power. Maybe geothermal options could be used? A well, powered by wind, would provide the water. Generators would have to be setup for just in case scenarios but would rarely be used if the alternative energy devices work to full potential.

A garden in the back 40 can provide most of the fruits and vegetables. Composting all the waste would drastically reduce garbage so the weekly trash guy is not needed.

Is is possible for a family of 4 addicted to the convenience of utilities, malls, restaurants to cut the ties?


John Capraro said...

Ah yes, that is the question. Nice, timely piece on "green lifestyle." Good way to pique the imagination and, perhaps, get people thinking.

Bethany Wiggins said...

sounds ideal... until I think of no hot shower!