Thursday, October 23, 2008

Country Communication

State Fair grounds in the middle of nowhere, Oblong Illinois. My dad and I are building a 1939 Hudson coupe. This build has needed alot of sheet metal work so he has gone once a year to Oblong Metal Meet in hopes of completing some projects. Meantime my wife and I have given birth to our second daughter. It appeared that communication with my dad was going to be impossible especially since he didnt have a cell phone signal. Herb, of Herbs Cyber Cafe, saves the day! He documented the whole week with photos and videos of the projects and goings on. Herb also took tech to the next level by adding web cams around the shop facility at the Fair Grounds. My wife, visitors and I were able to watch my dad work on the sheet metal at the Metal Meet over the internet in the recovery room at the hospital. From the country of Illinois to Metro Detroit we were able to maintain constant communication over web cams and message boards. Thanks Herb!

1 comment:

John Capraro said...

Ah, the wonders of technology, eh? We are fortunate to live in this day and age where technology affords us the ability to "be there without being there."